Sunday, July 20, 2008

summer jobs

i have a new job as a kayak instructor. yesterday morning, i ate a breakfast of granola and strawberries on the dock, watching the sun rise over a still lake. we then paddled across the lake, paddled through the reeds. a raccoon checked in on us and followed us for a bit. we took the kids down the river of golden dreams and pulled in for a picnic when we got hungry. I get paid to do all that.

I actually had a conversation along those lines with one of the kid's dad. i don't make very much money, but what I do beats by far most other people's summer jobs. heck, even their day jobs.

working at the kayak school i now finish around 3h30. i enjoy having those extra 3 hours in my day to hang out (compared to ziptrek).

to top off that day, i went to the indoor park at creekside and landed a pop shove-it for the first time ever. zing!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

camp of champions

premiere journee sur le glacier, avec un torticoli en prime. pas le best pour rider mais j'ai pris plein de photos (275)!

guillaume beaudoin
hand plant
camp of champions, horstman glacier

Saturday, July 12, 2008

vue de la chaise solar coaster, en descendant du glacier. on voit la base de whistler a gauche et je crois que c'est la base de sproatt mountain a droite.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Friday, July 04, 2008