Sunday, July 20, 2008

summer jobs

i have a new job as a kayak instructor. yesterday morning, i ate a breakfast of granola and strawberries on the dock, watching the sun rise over a still lake. we then paddled across the lake, paddled through the reeds. a raccoon checked in on us and followed us for a bit. we took the kids down the river of golden dreams and pulled in for a picnic when we got hungry. I get paid to do all that.

I actually had a conversation along those lines with one of the kid's dad. i don't make very much money, but what I do beats by far most other people's summer jobs. heck, even their day jobs.

working at the kayak school i now finish around 3h30. i enjoy having those extra 3 hours in my day to hang out (compared to ziptrek).

to top off that day, i went to the indoor park at creekside and landed a pop shove-it for the first time ever. zing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

breath taking, good pic Chloe,
